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Biden, Women's Rights, Science, and Biology

Writer's picture: CatherinaCatherina

Please watch my mini series on why YOU need to care NOW about self identification laws and how their implementation implicates you. Joe Biden wants to pass within the first 100 days of office, the Equality Act - which will redefine sex as gender identity under the civil rights act of 1964. The Plan is to retrospectively change law and the definition of what it means to be a male or a female.

IN HIS FIRST DAY IN OFFICE, he has promised to sign a letter, a "Guidance" which is applicable in all schools/public places etc etc etc - every single place. this "guidance" was instated by the Obama Biden administration and rescinded by the trump administration because there was not enough conclusive evidence of court orders etc, to justify the guidance one way or the other. as such, since it was placing "a class of people"-- aka WOMEN -- in a vulnerable position, Trump admin decided to rescind the guidance.

This guidance that Biden has promised is the FIRST thing he is doing when he gets in office, on his FIRST day - as if there is this much priority for this issue -- is GENDER IDENTITY: This Obama Biden guidance letter demands that any declaration of GENDER IDENTITY is valid, and MUST and will grant ANY person access into the spaces of whatever gender they say they are. this guidance does not provide for any proof of transition etc etc etc. it is a blanket mandate which says all you have to do is say you are a woman even if you are a man, and that will be ENOUGH under this obama Biden guidance, to grant you access into women sports, bathrooms, schools, whatever it is. you will be treated as a WOMAN under the "law" due to this guidance. the link to the direct letter and the previous letter is all on his Joe Biden campaign page. inform yourself.

THIS IS A FULL BLOWN ASSAULT ON WOMEN AND WOMEN'S RIGHTS. watch my videos to understand WHY, understand WHAT the law says exactly, and ALL the ramifications, including MEDICAL CUSTODY OF YOUR CHILD BEING TURNED TO THE STATE

CALL FOR BIDEN NOT TO REINSTATE THE POLICY THAT THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION RESCINDED. regardless of whether Trump administration has done this because YOU think they are transphobic/homophobic, etc, the reality is that QUEER IDEOLOGY is a pseudoscience, pseudo-leftist belief system which is paving the way for the erasure of women within our spoken day to day language, our perceivable observable, objective and scientific reality, and within the letter of the law.

This is inexcusable. the rights of a minority can NOT come at the expense of a class LONG controlled by the patriarchy. for Biden to promise NOT ONE BUT TWO SWEEPING REFORMS TO TRANS / GENDER IDENTITY, BEFORE EVEN MENTIONING THE PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT, IS A DIRECT ASSAULT ON WOMEN.

Stop believing the fun to swallow "equality" pills from the (no-longer-actual)-left. and start researching and reading instead. demand change - do not adhere or take part in the pronoun fallacy, and watch my videos to get informed. I implore you to. this is important.

We MUST demand that this language is NOT inserted into law and that women as a real, objective, biological class, are NOT erased to make way for a minority / regressive politics / gender stereotypes / and a less than one percent of true "intersex" individuals. there are NO "sexed brains" -- please watch my videos to understand everything I am stating, to see that it is based on FACT, SCIENCE, AND LAW - THESE ARE NOT MY OPINIONS


the videos are split into three because iG only allows ten minutes at a time.

PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE THIS AS WIDELY AS YOU CAN so we can maintain an objective, fair, truthful, and EQUALITY BASED REALITY.



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