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Writer's pictureCatherina

Who Else in History Was Inaugurated With Thousands of Military Troops?

A brief analysis of history: On the eve of the US "inauguration" it is critical that we remember: Who else took power, celebrated their victory, or inaugurated the beginning of their reign with thousands of military surrounding them? In fact, this moment is strikingly similar to Uruguay's military takeover. The Uruguayan president who would go on to perform the coup, was actually "elected" as president, a couple years prior to his instigating military take over. This article is not a conspiracy about martial law - it is a comparison of the current military presence in DC, to the type of military presence used and present during fascist takeovers and rise to power.

(To skip the history lesson and simply view a direct comparison, go to point 4, under Hitler and read what is written there. I recommend thoroughly reading the whole post however.)

My friends, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever to justify the scenes unfolding in DC. "For your safety" is always the alibi of tyrants and we are seeing the rise of fascism, cloaked under the cover of "democracy" and "safety":

"The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience." - Albert Camus

With the hijacking of the left comes a total usurpation of power, the hidden fascist hand that is sweeping across the world and trying to instigate - as Darth Sidious would say - A New Order of The Republic. Yeah....sounds great. Maybe when confronted with historical images back to back, the bigger picture is clearer. What does this really signify? When thousands of troops are stationed in front of the "new leader"?

What statement does it make, to take power under an immense amount of military presence? Who else in history has done this?

Let history do the talking:

Before beginning, just look at these images side by side:

On the left is a small snippet of the troops assembled "in preparation" for the "inauguration" in USA, 2021. On the right, is Francisco Franco's "Inauguration" in 1939. At the bottom of the article, after going through each historical event, I will place the USA 2021 scenes alongside the historical scenes. It's almost like a game of "can you spot the differences?"


So let's really examine Fuhrer Biden's "inauguration" (many informational source links at the bottom. All figures are real and officially sourced). I really don't call this person "Fuhrer" as a joke or to be cool. There simply isn't another description for this insidious, and disgusting power that is implanting itself in reality under the guise of freedom and safety.

No one, ever, in any supposed "free" "democratic" nation takes power, or begins their office with such a display of military might. How could people see these scenes and believe it to be ok, necessary or normal?

I'm sorry to place what seems like a meme here on the left, but this statement is so accurate to today's world events. For example, the president of a country, Trump, gets banned from Twitter and many people heralded and applauded the act. I've already written about this previously.

No true "left wing" "liberal" or "democratic" party - or person - ever, in history, takes power this way. By silencing their opponents, accusing them of being dictators (fasicst tactics much!?), and heralding censorhsip. This isn't my opinion it is historical fact. Even worse, this is supposed to have been a free election! It is not even a military coup and yet there are more troops in the capital than there are deployed in Iraq & Afghanistan. Why?

This isnt normal. It is a statement. And to those who remember history, they are well aware of what this statement means.

By placing hundreds of thousands of military on the streets and in front of the new leader, we compare these images in the US, to those from history around the world: and we are faced with an incredibly sobering reality (all official sources linked below).

These are the scenes, the reality in DC right now, with the "left" preparing for the "inauguration". Let's see just how similar they are to Bordaberry, Franco, Hitler, and Mussolini. Think these are farfetched comparisons? Keep reading...

So, as stated above: Over 20,000 troops. That's four times more than Afghanistan and almost as much as deployed in South Korea. Have a look at these further facts pasted below: (source )

Click on any image to enlarge it or see them in the source article linked above.

What were the historical scenes that marked the beginning of other fascist, tyrannical, and dictatorial sieges around the world? Let's explore through photos:

1. Below, is Franco's "Victory Parade" 19th May, 1939: In Spanish, "Desfile de la Victoria". The showcasing and the marching of the troops, was a symbol and a statement on the day he took power. It symbolised "we are here, and we are here to stay". And there they stayed for another forty years. There are hundreds more images online if you are interested: type "desfile de la Victoria Franco" to see them. Explore the photos below of Franco's "inauguration" and you can explore the articles linked below if you want some information and further reading on Franco


2. Juan Maria Bordaberry - The Uruguayan military dictatorship, 1973 The current usurpation of power is most like the Uruguayan one: "The term "civic-military" refers to the military regime's relatively gradual usurpation of power from civilian presidents who continued to serve as head of state." The dictatorship brought the militarization of state powers through which the military regime consolidated its power and exercised total control over policy, economic and social organizations. The 1973 Uruguayan coup d'état took place in Uruguay on 27 June 1973 and marked the beginning of the civic-military dictatorship which lasted until 1985. President Juan María Bordaberry closed parliament, (yes, he was originally "elected" a couple years prior!) and ruled with the assistance of a junta of military generals. Here he is, surrounded by military might.


3. Mussolini needs no explanation or description so instead I draw your attention to this important article in the New York Times. It is a propagandistic article, written with the effect to spread fear of the virus and fear of "nationalistic" and "fascist" groups and leaders taking control. The NYT piece linked above is in Spanish and it makes the claim that "far right parties" are gaining ground across Europe, and meanwhile, the virus (propaganda) is wiping out history (true) by killing the older generation. This stops the new generation from understanding, realising or recognising fascism.

It is on this key point that the article is absolutely correct. Of course, what the article fails to mention is that this wiping out of history, and our elders, is by design: We are witnessing a new type of genocide. You may already know that 5 governors sent the sick back to care homes, effectively killing off thousands and it being the top reason why so many elderly died. This is admitted in the congressional hearing on July 31, 2020 with Robert Redfield (head of CDC) and Anthony Fauci. Further, we know the true purpose of the new injections. Little does the writer of this piece know that their attention and their head is turned in the wrong direction, and the true fascists are right under their nose and this is all by design.

The article ends with a quote by a 95 year old, "I am not convinced that memory is enough. Even those who know and remember history continue to repeat it over and over again".

Mussolini and the military parade and assemblage of troops:


4. Hitler also needs no explanation, does he? Most people are only capable of remembering this one guy as the "bad guy" of all time - yet they conveniently forget what it looked like on the day he took power:

Nazi stormtroops parade through the Brandenburg Gate to celebrate Hitler's assumption of power, Berlin - 1933

Gosh, that sure looks familiar:

21,000 national guard troopers parade the streets during Biden's assumption of power.

"That Hitler’s appointment as Reich Chancellor was no ordinary change of government became immediately clear, as his Propaganda Minister, Josef Göbbels, organized a torchlit parade consisting of members of the SA, SS, and Steel Helmets that went through the Brandenburg Gate and through Berlin. One pro-Nazi newspaper enthusiastically estimated that 700,000 marchers took part in the parade, while less than amused papers put the number at just over 100,000, and the hostile sources put the number of uniformed marchers at no more than 20,000. Crowds of onlookers lined the streets to watch the marchers and the spectacle was typical of the kind of stage-management which German society could now expect from Göbbels’s propaganda machine."


An assembly this large of military is simply not normal my friends. We have to ask why. It is only ever done with a few purposes: demonstrate might, make the statements and symbols already described, and only ever performed by fascists and controllers. This isn't about left vs right , even though it is crucial that people awaken from their zombified state of trusting the "left" - it is about the usurpation of freedom.

No normal democracy does this; there is no need for this amount of troops and it can not be justified. It is an amount of military presence that any true liberal should find seriously worrying. Look below: when the images are all placed together you can not even tell them apart to see which are supposed to be for "good" and which for "bad". No amount of military presence to this degree could ever be seen as good. It isn't normal.

Nazi stromtroopers parader on the day Hitler is appointed chancellor.

Berlin Association: On This Day, complete description of the day Hitler is appointed chancellor:

Human Rights Franco-Era Spain Criminals To Potentially Be Tried:

NYT article on how death of elderly means death of history and people's ability to recognize fascism:

Analysis of Uruguay dictactorship:

USA Backed military coup of Chile:

National Guard, USA, Biden Inauguration, Daily Mail 2021

More Troops in DC than Afghanistan and Iraq:

Uruguay's dictatorship:

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