If you do anything today, please watch these videos. Are you impacting the entire world with your intentions, thoughts, and words? Do you attract your reality? Do your emotions, thoughts, and words create your reality and the reality of the people around you? Is that even possible? Why would it be? What is the real power of consciousness, words, and intention? You only need to spend one hour today on this, why not investigate and have a look at what's right in front of you?
Here's your scientific proof. In today's world of dogma and religion masquerading as "science" all the devout followers of this cult need everything penciled in for them, in black and white.

Michiko Hayashi, in this 2019 talk given in Watkins Bookstore (which I used to shop at all the time when living in London), explains her work and ten year experience with Dr. Emoto.
Part 1: Michiko Hayashi: Please watch this video and keep these thoughts in mind:
What is the world around you currently telling you? What is the world around you trying to tell you that health and safety is? What are you seeing, everywhere you turn?
The news, radio, posters, campaigns etc are all about sickness and death. For example, the UK government launched a campaign (the billboards are everywhere, I won't share any photos) saying "ACT LIKE YOUVE GOT IT".
Act like you've got it? Act like you have what exactly? Act like you're sick? Pretend you have an imaginary disease when you don't have anything wrong with you? Walk around imagining and pretending you are sick?
Now watch the beautiful Michiko Hayashi explain to you just how powerful you are, and how us, as hugely powerful energetic beings, are affecting every single thing on earth with our thoughts, intentions, and words.
**If you don't believe the findings that she explains here, see below for hundreds of people who replicate the experiment at home, using rice.**
If you think it, you are it. They know this. This is why they announce these insidious campaigns. This is why they order the fallacy of the masks. So you think you are sick. So you live in fear. Fear of being sick. Fear of getting sick. Fear of killing someone. Fear of making someone else sick.
Part 2: F. E. A. R.
For Each A Road / For Everyman A Religion / Find Everybody And Rule
Fuck Everything And Rumble / Forget Everything And Remember /
For Everything A Reason
You may not know this, but did you know that during transplants, the medical procedure is to actively produce, within the body the transplant is going into, the stress hormones? Because stress and fear are 100% effective in completely shutting down the immune system. Therefore, they purposefully release and use the stress hormones during organ transplants, so the immune system shuts off. This way, the transplanted organ is accepted by the body because the immune system is turned off and not fighting it.
Gosh, it really makes you wonder why the world around you is all about F. E. A. R.
Part 3: Rice experiments conducted at home by hundreds of people showing the same results: Your intentions shape the world around you. Your thoughts have power and impact the physical world: i.e., your body, your reality etc.
When you understand and know the way the world really works - the power of thought, intention, manifestation, energy, vibration, and love: when you know how much and how deeply these things affect every single area of your life and the life around you - you can see right through the lies and the fallacy.

"Human beings are the only people who can adjust our vibration to the other person - this is how we get along with each other." "Everything is vibration; just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't real." "When we are vibrating at the same frequency, we resonate."
- Dr. Emoto
What is the real power of consciousness, words, and intention?
What are we made of?
What is the environment made of?
What is earth made of?
- We are made of mostly water (over 75-80%)
- The environment is made of mostly water (water vapour all around us, invisible to our eyes)
- The earth is made of mostly water (over 70%)
Your intentions, your thoughts, are constantly affecting and shaping your molecular reality and the reality around you. You will draw to yourself sickness and ill health, depression, disease, and everything else related to that, if you give your attention and energy to those things.
Energy goes where attention flows
If you want to see further proof for the effect of words, thoughts, and intentions - i.e., your consciousness - then see these videos of ordinary people trying the experiment at home:
Part 4:
Still believe this is about a virus?
How do you feel looking at these images?
Miss that? miss seeing your friends? Miss having "normal" life? Miss human contact? Miss human connection? Wish you could have a nice party with all your friends? Miss your family? Wish you could travel?
Miss the feeling of being carefree and not having to "worry" that you will supposedly "infect" someone just by being around them?
Miss the feeling that you are "bad" or doing something "wrong" just because you want to see people? Or go out shopping? or have a band rehearsal?

Realize how screwed up they have made you? Realize how abnormal and anti-natural and anti-human this entire thing is? Realize how prohibiting family from being together has absolutely nothing to do with health?
How many people even understand that there is 99.98% survival rate for all ages? it might vary by 99.96-98, but its almost 100%. do you think what's happening now, what's been happening for a year - and the way it's going - do you think that everything that is happening and coming, -- do you think that it's justifiable, based on that figure?
Do you really think a near 100% survival rate justifies everything that is happening right now, and has happened over the last year? Can you really still defend it?
Do you know what irreparable psychological and physical damage has occurred? As a result of lockdowns? As a result of separations? As a result of missed treatments? As a result of widespread mask use?

Where was your concern - where is your concern - knowing that every 40 seconds someone suffers a heart attack in the USA? You can verify all these figures on CDC by the way.
Do you really think our entire world and way of life needs to be radically reshaped and permanently changed for a supposed "virus" with that type of survival rate? Almost 100%?
Do you think its normal to pretend you are sick? To "act like you've got it"? Do you think that's healthy? Normal? Do you think that type of behavioural and social and mental conditioning will help people get back to normal?
Do you think it will be possible, after over a year of constant mental conditioning of getting people to fear others, that these people will return to normal? And they will stop worrying about getting close to other humans? Do you think normal will ever be possible again after this much mental conditioning and fear campaigns? Do you really think this is all just going to go away? Do you think the level of fear, paranoia, and psychosis - that I have seen exhibited by friends - is justifiable, based on the true official data?

Pretend like you have it. Act like you are sick. That's the entire premise behind the absurd, anti-science fallacy of using masks. As I said, there are hundreds of billboards, everywhere, which I refuse to share photos of, saying, in caps lock "ACT LIKE YOUVE GOT IT"

I even disagree with writing this post but I do so in case SOMEONE might read it and understand they are being lied to. This is an attack not only on your human rights, human sovereignty, and spirituality - but of course, on your mind. This is not about a virus, or a disease. Pay attention to the crystal shape when the words "lets do it" are said, instead of DO IT!" Makes a huge difference to how the water shapes.
The power of intentions and thoughts is real. You don't see it, so you think it doesn't exist.
And what's the world around you become? One order after another. You can not do anything, go anywhere, see anyone, say anything, touch anything, touch anyone, or do anything other than STAY IN YOUR HOME AND GO OUT ONLY TO BUY FOOD. everywhere you turn there is an order or a mandate. Stand exactly here. Wait exactly here to come in. You can't come in here without this. DONT COME IN. etc etc etc etc
HUMAN CONTACT IS WHERE THE VIRUS THRIVES (this is on billboards everywhere)
Yeah, thats healthy. yeah, thats normal. yeah, thats rational. Yeah, thats sane.

Life is freedom - not pretending you are sick, (with no proof), and living an incarcerated, prohibitive life.
Yeah. this is about health.
This whole charade is so pathetically transparent and people STILL believe it. ONE YEAR LATER. It's absolutely pathetic. What's even worse, people think that those in power want to FIX IT. After one year of them stringing you along and lying to you, people STILL haven't worked it out. They still don't understand that there is no intention of "fixing" anything.
They told you two weeks. It's been a year. You are never getting your life back unless you take a stand. They tell you to pretend you're sick. You're not. Now you know the power of thoughts, intentions and words. What are you going to do about it? Keep walking around in a pseudo reality where everyone pretends they are constantly sick?