Here are some simple steps you can take right now to make a real stand. Live the life you want to live and understand about taking action right now. Fighting a system that is a powerhouse and definitely not built for change or peace, is a waste of your time. Like I've quoted countless times, energy goes where attention flows. Everything is tied to this:
If you are using all your time and energy to fight the system - then where is your energy and your time? Still with the system.
Imagine if 60% of the world did the following:
No longer purchased online, insisted on using cash, deleted all their "social" media, ate plant based by growing their own or purchasing locally from farmers, did not watch the news or tv, did not shop at big stores for anything (clothes, food etc), meditated, and lived a life free of Pharma dependence.
Sound idealistic? It isn't. My husband and I live our life like this right now. Is it easy?....honestly, it mostly is.
And get this: Some aspects we haven't even been doing for years - such as always shopping locally, or refusing to shop online, or growing our own food (lived in tiny London flat previously). So, we could not always do all those things, all the time, without deviating.
But - we tried our best to do them as much as we could. That's what we all need to do. That's what counts. Just try your best with the list below. That's where the difference will be made.

Therefore, our consumption of those few things which we could not commit to 100%, was still far less than most other people, because we consciously tried to engage with those things as little as possible.
You don't need to be all in all the time, in order for this to work. It doesn't need to be all or nothing in order for this to work.
What kind of world would we be seeing, if more people did these things? A totally, radically, different world than we are living in now. Don't bother trying to force other people to change. As a vegan for a good few years now, I can see how fruitless this is.
My own mother still sends me photos of burgers and fish everyday. All I see is death on the plate - not just death of the animal involved - the death of loved ones because they are consuming ridiculous "products" that are harmful to their health. I won't get into the science and studies of eating plant based - I am a powerhouse of information on the subject but this is not what this post is about.
So, clearly, trying to convince others doesn't seem to work. I've tried for years to inform my family and they still tell me that my "veganism" is extreme and don't understand that it is based on the absolute best science available. They don't understand and won't engage in the conversation with me about how undeniable the evidence is for humans to be on a plant based diet. So, we get nowhere trying to convince others, don't we?

So: This is about what you can do, right now
And what you can encourage other like minded people to do right now, to start creating an alternative reality to the trans humanist, dehumanised, cashless, robotic, vaccinated, controlled totalitarian fascist destruction that people are blindly helping to build through their pathetic obedience.
Here you go:
Stop shopping online - Do not buy clothes, food, or anything online
Do not use amazon. eBay either, but, if you know a real local seller then...ok
If you must shop online for something, use local sellers and companies, or Iherb
Shop locally for food: farmers, local people in your area, etc
Avoid large chains of any kind: fashion, food, supermarkets etc
Don't be a consumer: Don't buy anything you don't really need*
Eat a plant based diet**
Delete your "social" media. Do not use twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Delete the apps, if you have them. There is no excuse. Delete them.
Do not watch TV***
Do not listen to the radio
Use cash as often as possible. Stop relying on your card.
Don't put things on credit, as much as possible. Live within your means
Try to learn about your health and body so you understand that you do not need the system for anything medical related: medicines, treatments, etc...
*So caveat 1: Don't buy anything you don't really need. Tips for living comfortably but minimally:
Interpret this how you like - my main point here is don't go shopping for clothes, or buy things you don't need, like unnecessary decorations for your home, new clothes often, etc etc.
If you want things for your home, for example, try to make what you can, repurpose what you can and buy it as cheaply as you can (i.e. sales etc). I am making a little video about all these tips, so you can see how to easily apply these concepts.
**Caveat 2: Plant based diets
Science aside (see if you want an intro into all the science.), plant based diets are the most sustainable for many reasons, including complete self-sufficiency across the board: health and food production. It is the easiest way to eat, you can grow all you need in a small space (so way better use of resources and land), and among other things, prevent and cure the following, meaning you don't need any "doctors" to take care of you or "prescribe you" "treatments". Also, you can't advocate for freedom if you are ok with killing other sentient beings for unnecessary ends.

Thats the contents page of "How Not to Die" by Dr. Greger. Guess we don't need "doctors" after all
**Caveat 3: Don't watch TV or listen to the radio
So I haven't heard the radio in probably over......8 years? Maybe longer. I have always turned it off and always hated it. The only time I didn't hate it was in the early 2000s when KROQ would still play Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots. I would turn it down during the commercials and the talking, and back up during the music. End of story. Indoctrination avoided.
I listen to my own CDs in the car and nothing else. I do not allow anything else, ever, to enter my personal space or my headspace, and I am super focused on what I allow in. And this really is step one to unplugging from the ridiculous insane world we live in. Turn these things off, now. Stop listening, stop watching.

TV - I watch some of my few favourite TV shows. probably the vampire diaries and occasionally Gilmore girls. That's it. I promise you that is all I watch. And because that is all I watch, (occasionally when I even do watch TV) I am not even ashamed to admit that it's those two shows which can be seen as corny.
So yeah, I don't watch TV. I have no idea what's recent, what's on, who anyone is, I have no idea who the latest music person is, I don't know anything, about any type of contemporary "pop culture". I don't know any celebrities, I know nothing and I work hard to make sure I know nothing. I do not. give. these. people. my attention. (Yes I've heard of lady gaga and I used to be a big fan until a few years ago.)
Don't watch TV means, don't purchase cable, do not put on the news, do not watch the latest TV shows, do not engage with anything that is coming out of that disease box. You want to watch some of your favourite classics or something, go ahead, I'm not saying be Amish; watch movies, whatever. But do not engage in the mindlessness of TV and radio.

You don't need the latest episode, the latest TV show, the latest update on a celebrity, etc, stay away from fads, do not engage with things that everyone in the world seems to love (I've never seen avatar or Friends for example, I stay away from anything with mass followings, within reason. I just know it will be shit).
I don't follow a single celebrity, I can probably name.....Jennifer Aniston and brad Pitt lol and seriously I have to struggle to name people beyond that. Steve Carell..... I like the Office, just remembered! See what little TV I watch I can't even name more than three shows!!
Hopefully that clears those couple points up. Of course I could elaborate on each one, but it's just quick little sidenotes because I'm sure those will be the few bits where people perk their ears up.
Here's that list again:
Stop shopping online - Do not buy clothes, food, or anything online
Do not use amazon. eBay either, but, if you know a real local seller then...ok
If you must shop online for something, use local sellers and companies, or Iherb
Shop locally for food: farmers, local people in your area, etc
Avoid large chains of any kind: fashion, food, supermarkets etc
Don't be a consumer: Don't buy anything you don't really need*
Eat a plant based diet**
Delete your "social" media. Do not use twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Delete the apps, if you have them. There is no excuse. Delete them.
Do not watch TV***
Do not listen to the radio
Use cash as often as possible. Stop relying on your card.
Don't put things on credit, as much as possible. Live within your means
Meditate and do martial arts
Try to learn about your health and body so you understand that you do not need the system for anything medical related: medicines, treatments, etc...
Read just the bold bits quickly. What's your result? Your energy and attention no longer exists in the system. As I said, if many people did this, if hopefully a majority did this, then where is "the system"? How does it continue to exist, when there is hardly anyone working with it or against it? How is it valid or real when people no longer give it the time of day?
Just leave it. Don't fight it (within reason). Put your attention elsewhere and the system disappears.
Make a new one, work a new way, try to do the best you can. But do not feed it anymore than you personally deem it necessary to do so.
Oh yeah and don't forget to sing