Governments around the world are effecting serious and sweeping reform to several laws, all while they have turned the public's eye away, into worrying about a virus with a 99% survival rate. Those who know the survival rate is 99%, continue to jump through hoops to keep believing the narrative and stop themselves from facing reality: the entire thing is a front in order to instigate mass changes in society - and this is clearly and directly evidenced by the amount of sweeping legal reforms taking place. Otherwise, the priority would lie solely in relief efforts - not in changing surveillance capacities, extending 9/11 era bills, extending facial recognition powers, divesting funding from Americans and investing far more profoundly abroad than at home, and making sweeping changes to what constitutes a "hate crime" - such as in Norway, where it is now, as of this year, already a hate crime to speak against the transgender movement. Lovely isn't it, how the entirety of our rights are being eroded at record speed, but the blind continue to believe the coveeed myth?
Lovely isn't it, how countries across the world are all passing the same laws at the same time. People think there is no global organisation, there is no group of powerful, wealthy, people at the top who are running the show. Then explain to me how the entire world is being shaped in the same way, at the same time, with the same laws, across every country. If you are reading this and you truly believe that this is a coincidence or it sounds far fetched, I am terribly sorry to tell you this, but the world doesn't run the way you think it does. Powerful people at the top, control everything you see - and that includes the politicians, who are there as a distraction and as puppets. they lack any true power, other than the decisions and moves that they are allowed to make by the people who really own the world.
Watch this one minute clip to understand:
In this post I will address as succinctly as possible the following, most insidious changes to law: The Freedom Reauthorization Act H.R. 6172, the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 H.R. 133, the "investigation" into Human Rights laws by the U.K. government, and the Hate Crime reforms taking place in the U.K., as well as the "public consultation" on this matter.
1. Ministry of Justice Law Commission consultation on hate crime laws - and the proposition to introduce a "Hate Crime Commissioner"
This is a FIFTEEN PAGE public consultation, citing case law, acts and statute law, whilst asking for your opinion on these matters. What member of the public is going to be informed on statute and case law, and know particular sections of different Acts off the top of their head? No one except those working in law will understand these things, and more importantly, understand how to go about finding the source material. The ridiculous fifteen page consultation asks for comparisons on penalties and charges for almost entirely subjective matters, without disclosing thresholds or existing measures.
They are making sweeping reforms, trying to include "transgender", binary, non-binary, and intersex "people", into hate crime laws, broadening the scope of what constitutes a hate crime, and wanting to introduce philosophical ideas and beliefs as hate crime.
But this is not even the worst part: They want to introduce a Hate Crime Commissioner - This is truly frightening, blatantly tyrannical and straight out of 1984. A Hate Crime Commissioner. Funny, how we can't have a commissioner for the homeless, the veterans, the starving,....but for hate crime - there's something we need!
Imagine the world they are trying to create through the back rooms - while the majority are spellbound by the Kv - eed show: a world where there exists the possibility that you can be committing a hate crime offence, based on your philosophical beliefs. a world where you can be committed of a hate crime offence, if you state that trans "gender" is a farce, unnecessary, and regressive. A world where the Hate Crime Commissioner - let's call him O'Brien, shall we? (hopefully you will get that) - knows all and punishes anyone with dissenting information.
There is only one truth. The party's truth. There is only one party. The party of slavery, I mean absolute freedom.
A public consultation, 15 pages long, which took me about 45 minutes to fill out (all the while knowing it is a pointless exercise because, like with the "vaccine distribution consultation" they went right ahead and made the changes to the "Medicine Distributions" Act that they wanted, regardless of the responses they received, which they themselves admit were against the proposed changes.)
I know this will be more of the same - but you should be aware of whats coming and what's happening. The link to the consultation is here:
2. The Freedom Reauthorization Act 2020 H.R. 6172
The passing of other insidious legislation. In the U.S., they extended the powers enacted under the Patriot Act - which we all remember were enacted after one of the worst theatre performances yet conducted, 9/11. If you don't know why I say this is a theatre performance then one of the best things you can do is to get really informed on who exactly committed 9/11 and why. This is the first breadcrumb you need. For example, do you know about the new building 7 report that came out sometime in April 2020?
Back to the FRA 2020. I signed and sent the ACLU letter (yes I support using the system where necessary) to Senators, urging them to vote "no" on H.R. 6172, and posted about it on my Instagram, but, like always, it was completely ignored at the time and no one took any action.
That's fine - anyone who is aware of the information, but refuses to act on it - whether out of laziness or out of this cognitive dissonance to refuse to believe that things really are as bad and as urgent as we say - just know that you are personally responsible for the world you are creating. If you see the information but you do not act on it, it IS your responsibility. You can live with your extended surveillance powers and a hate crime commissioner - ill go and live in a cave. where's the thumbs up emoji?
Congress had over four years to consider provisions of the Patriot Act, which were set to expire on March 2020 -- funny that isn't it? Everything is one big coincidence! nothing happens on purpose! :D
Here is the letter, so you can read through to understand what the repercussions are
Here's the link and below are the photos if you don't want to click away.
3. The Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021 H.R. 133
Well this is a fun one isn't it? a 6,000 page bill, for next year's fiscal spending and budget, branded as the Con-vid relief Bill. Except there is hardly any Con-vid relief in there. :D "BUT THEY CARE ABOUT YOU"
Trump explains this phenomenally, I've read about 400 pages and I don't get paid to do this, so I refuse to read 6000 pages. from the little I've read, and what I have researched across the breadth of reporting sites, Trump is 100% correct in what he is saying.
But we know what he will get called up on -- Ohhh you're refusing funding to create a Latino museum huh?! You racist!! Hi everyone -- I AM LATINA. My parents immigrated to the US when I was a kid, and trust me, we have had the immigration debacle from hell, it has ruined our lives and we have been separated for years. Guess what? in the middle of this damn crisis where people are losing their lives and livelihoods, their businesses, everything, I could give two cents about a damn Latino Museum, or sending the HARD EARNED CASH of Americans, abroad, when Americans are finding it impossible just to even survive. people are losing everything they have worked for. And I repeat here: if you still support lockdowns, it is your fault that people are committing suicide, increasing substance abuse and/or that they are losing everything they have worked for. Yes you are personally responsible for it, if you still believe what you are being told and if you still believe that lockdowns are the answer.
4. The "investigation" into Human Rights laws by the U.K. government
Well this is a nice one isn't it? Lets investigate human rights laws and whether they are "necessary". Let me put it to you this way - human rights "laws" did not exist in the uk until 1998 when they passed the Human Rights Act (herein HRA 98). Yes, 1998. The European convention on human rights - herein ECHR - was signed decades before but it was only ratified into UK law in 1998. before 1998 you had to seek judgements from the European Court of Human Rights - herein EcHR
They are investigating which laws should still apply, and whether "EcHR case law should be taken into account"
I am laughing. the government is actually blatantly saying, "Hmmm...should we "take into account"the judgements in the EcHR?.....Nah!"
I won't get into the complexities but trust me, there are numerous freedoms and rights that will not exist within the UK - even including the HRA 98 - if this path continues.
Imagine suggesting whether human rights law should still be "taken into account". I say why bother! you've already destroyed human rights by mandating masks, by mandating where people should go and at what time, by mandating who people can see, by mandating what people can say - in the US, Facebook has more power than congress and the constitution, their community "guidelines" go against the constitution and yet, there seems to be no higher force capable of stopping them and reducing their power. in fact, Facebook proudly claims to work WITH government to effect the censorship. oh but of course, they call it misinformation.
And don't worry, that's what this entire post has been. It's all misinformation. I probably need to be fact checked. I am sorry for trying to spread truth, I mean lies.
Everything is fine. keep wearing a mask and obeying the masters :) this is how we'll get through this! :D oh and make sure we promote the rushed shot. in 100 years theres "no cure" or treatment for cancer or vaccine for HIV but in seven months there's a brand new technology that is super safe. :) everything is fine!