Peter Doshi - Dr. Doshi, an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, states: Moderna's Grade 3 Adverse Effect currently stands at 17.4% This is a huge number. Grade 3 adverse effects are the ones that leave people unable to perform daily activities, or work, and they need care.
All links will open in a new tab and all links are from the CDC or FDA. For an even more updated resource list of deaths and adverse effects please read my recent post: A Compilation of Studies and Evidence
Peter Doshi, in the NYT article "Don't Pressure the Vaccine Hesitant", states that people who do not want to get vaccinated should not be labeled "conspiracy theorists" - because the reality is that the data does not show that vaccines are risk-free, effective or safe. The official data simply does not show that these injections are "risk-free" or "safe". This is official CDC and FDA data - denying it makes you look like you believe in a religion of science rather than true science.
Further, he also states how millions are already naturally immune - so why are we ignoring real, natural herd immunity? You can see the official source for this data here on this 54 page FDA Document.
And you can read Peter Doshi's article right here. The articles are a little confusing to click on - you basically click, and it opens in an "on-page" scroll. Anyway I have attached the photos of his article here for you as well in case you can't get the New York Times website to work properly: (you can click to enlarge)
Of course this already comes off the back of the information I have already shared, in detail, regarding the adverse effects of the Pfizer vaccine: that one stands (at least at) 2.8%. Meaning, immediately, 2.8% of all who get the vaccine are immediately no longer able to work or function as they normally used to. Here is the official CDC source for this official CDC information. Below is the photo, taken from the linked document.

In summary - all the vaccines currently pose a far, far, greater threat to your health. The Pfizer one: you are 16x more likely, if you are under 70 years old, to suffer an adverse effect, than you are to "die" from the virus.
Further, data shows that they are 50 times more problematic than the (also very dangerous) flu vaccine. Let's be clear - the studies show that the flu vaccine is NOT effective or safe - but you can believe whatever you want to, just like some people believe in God and some people believe in Santa Claus. just because you believe it doesn't mean its the truth.
You can click here and use the CDC VAERS tool to find all the data for yourself and see the truth. VAERS is the tool used to report adverse vaccine events. If these were just myth or conspiracy, why would the CDC have a massive program and infrastructure in place to monitor this throughout the years?
VAERS means Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. - run by the CDC.
I bet most people didn't even know this tool existed - but those same people will claim that vaccines are 100% safe and anyone who claims otherwise is a conspiracy theorist, ignorant, and crazy. Or pulling from "marginalised" statistics or "alternative" facts. Or that vaccines only ever give people "a bit" of a "sore arm". The people who really think and believe that are so incredibly uninformed that it is shocking - it's like they just want to believe in a religion, or a cult - rather than facts and real science.
You can read through this article for the easy breakdown without having to look at the CDC website - everything is explained there.
These new "vaccines" shouldn't even be called "vaccines". They do not prevent transmission or infection -- so what are they, exactly? What is the point of them exactly? These shots are deadly. Yes - they are deadly. They are not cures, they are not treatments, they are not medicine, they are just deadly, liability free injections. Every single official data source shows this - if you don't want to believe it, that is a personal choice - but that is not the truth. These liability free injections are death shots.
Remember, they are liability free which means you have nothing to fall back on when it goes wrong.
Takeaway facts:
Adverse effects stand at 17.4% for Moderna, and
Adverse effects stand at 2.8% for Pfizer (but that's only with the first dose, and only after a small rollout)
They are liability free
Remember: These are Grade 3 adverse effects - people are immediately crippled. They are left unable to perform daily activities, unable to work, and requiring care from a doctor/hospital.
Remember: this is the solution they made people sit around and wait for.
They continue to herald these injections as the "path to freedom" the way "back to normality". all the news outlets and the politicians are saying how they are perfectly safe and effective and this is "the only way back to normal".
They are lying. They are lying because the official information shows you just how deadly, and crippling they are. If they know this information, why are they pushing for everyone to get this? If they know this information, how can they state in public that they are safe? When the study states that the injections are not proven to prevent transmission or infection - why do they herald them as the answer? If they do not stop transmission or infection, then what, exactly, are they resolving? If they were supposedly "safety tested" - then how and why is there such a severe and incredibly high rate of adverse effects?
If they lied to you about cigarettes, about diet, about water, about chemicals and pesticides in food, about the Tuskagee experiment, if they are lying to you about the "safety" and "effectiveness" of this -- why would you keep trusting the spin? Every single media outlet around the world is saying that these injections are safe, and that they are the solution. Those statements directly contradict the reality clearly visible on the CDC and FDA documents, and the CDC's VAERS. So - are they ignorant, or are they lying to you?
Who stands to profit if they lie? Pfizer is set to make $32 billion dollars within the first few months of rollout. Do you really think that level of profits will be stopped, or silenced, because people will get hurt and killed along the way?
These "vaccines" are not vaccines - they are genocide marketed as freedom, health, and safety.