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  • Writer's pictureCatherina

Should I Remove Everyone?

I've been told I can be too cut and dry - but how bad is it to want to cut people out of my life when they never communicate with me?

Since I have announced my vow of silence: I comment on the post, left by a friend. I have had zero messages. As in emails - forget Instagram messages, I never expected anyone to get in touch. I did briefly hope that some few people would message me, wish me well with the vow of silence and say "heres my email if you want to keep in touch off Instagram"; or ....anything at all! how about - hey I know you're doing the vow of silence but I wanted to at least reach out; and hope everything's ok and its going well.

No one has written to me. No one has checked in. No one has tried to keep in touch.

So I'm wondering.....should I not remove all those people from my followers list on Instagram? At some point I imagine I will use it again. Who should really be there to see me when I'm back?

Those people aren't my friends, so .... why should they still be attached to me in this strange way, through a "followers" function on a stupid silly app. As I have written about before, in what way does the word "friend" apply to them? I really don't think it does. so how bad would it be to remove them? Is this question even worth asking, isn't it silly to ask for some random confirmation from....who? Its not like anyone reads these posts. I write them for myself.

So I do think I will probably remove them in due course. the more I disconnect from this poisonous society the more I really wonder just how crazy everyone is. how absorbed they all are in their lives. how incessantly they continue to post, day after day. how long and for how many days will they continue to do the same thing over and over again?

how are they living their life - are they not actually just stuck to the screen? what could they possibly constantly have to say, that they upload a story every single day. there can't possibly be anything interesting or relevant or important enough for you to have a story up every single day.

think about it in another way. imagine calling your friend up every day and telling them you've had a coffee. then calling them again and saying I went for a walk. then calling them again, all of this in the same day, to say you're going to bring over a photo of yourself that you've just taken. then calling again to tell them a joke. and so on....and so on......

after two days of that, your friend would probably say "don't call me again unless its important or necessary". they would think you're either really weird, really needy, really self-obsessed, or.....really all of the above.

but people have been convinced by the fraudsters of the internet, to use these stupid apps. to communicate through these ridiculous, unnecessary online modes. I wish everyone would be honest with themselves, and come off of "Instagram" and Facebook. you don't need them. you don't need them to stay in touch with anyone; if you want to stay in touch you can call your friends, just like the "old days", or you can go over to see them, or you can write letters to them, or, if you want to use the internet for good, you can email them.

don't you see? these stupid ridiculous apps are not necessary. they are not helpful and they do not bring us closer together. they are irrelevant and unnecessary. but, on top of that, they are actually insidiously and horrendously harmful.

and in all that, the continuous cycle of self-obsession prevails. no time for anyone but you. you view other people's posts and stories for personal gratification, personal comparison, not through a desire to want to know that person is ok or what they are doing. you just want to see. what are they doing. who's doing something I'm not. what are they doing that you're not.

what a selfish and self-obsessed society. dystopia is already here in front of everyone's face but no one can lift their face up long enough from the blue screen of toxicity to see that the world around them burns.

consume what they want. satiate their desires and wants in any way they want. do what they want. live for no one but themselves.

every day that I would post on Instagram stories, before I've stopped using it, I would do it because I thought "its what everyone else is doing". "I guess I've got to do this to keep in touch". this is what I used to tell myself.

I am going to have to rethink about using it again, and in what way I would use it going forward. I definitely don't want to give snippets of my life for free to people who have shown themselves to never keep in touch.

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