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  • Writer's pictureCatherina

The Instagram Black Hole Machine

Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly
I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide
I tried to talk with God to no avail
Calling my name and out of nowhere
I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"

This is a brief one. Several times I have taken breaks away from social media - and by this, I mean Instagram, because it's the only social media I have. I don't have fakebook or anything else. in fact, my personal Instagram was only started 2 years ago - so I have been far and away from the developing narcism for many years.

Have you ever taken an Instagram time out? If you have, when you log back in, you will notice nothing - and I mean not one thing - has changed. Nothing changes. People go on and on and on and on, as if they are in some type of quasi-time-warp-space-loop, with the same posts endlessly on repeat into, quite possibly, infinity.

For how long will people post their daily life updates? Today I ran 5 kilometres. Today I ate a sandwich. today I saw this rainbow. - I can't hate on these things too much, but they're still pretty damn stupid.

But what's worse, is how long will people keep posting the same innate, nonsensical, worthless content? Here is me working out, for the fiftieth time. Here is me with my tits out, for the 100th time. Here is me in a selfie from a different angle, for the 40th time. Here is me in my new outfit, just like every single other post about every single other new outfit. here is me wearing pink. Here is me, here is me, here is me.

Me, me me. Have you noticed, people keep going on, and on, and on, posting the same stuff, usually only ever about themselves? I know about three people who post things that are not anything to do with them, or self-centred type posts. They may post art, or they may post helpful advice about meditating, or they may post uplifting messages. I know a handful of people who use Instagram like this - and not sometimes, but all the time.

The rest of the 260 people I was following? it is now about 150. Just endless, faceless, same old same old till eternity.

What I wonder is.....will those people ever stop? Will there ever be a day where they don't post? Will there ever be a day they don't upload to their story? Will there ever be a day where they don't share every facet of their life in every way? Will there ever be a day where they share information to their story, rather than self-promotion, selfies, nonsense photos, and similar?

Will there ever be a day where they this really interesting? Why am I sharing this? Should I really post again today - to my story or my feed or anywhere. What do I really have to say about anything? Is this really helpful, useful, or productive content? Or am I just perpetuating narcism?

Will there ever be a day where they question why they are posting? Are they seeking approval desperately and they don't even acknowledge or realize it? Do they need to make sure they engage online, in order to feel like people still care about them?

Do they know the sorry truth, the sad reality, that if you disappear from Instagram, from any social media, that everyone will forget about you? Do you think I've had an uptick in subscribers to my blog? The only place where I said I would be communicating from now on. Do you think anyone has sent me a text or a message after they saw my post, and even liked it, to make sure they had my email? (this obviously excludes all you already subscribed, and all you who already have my email)

No. as far as anyone is concerned - ok. I'm gone. not one care in the world. I know for a fact I could disappear tomorrow and these people would never know. These same people, who would view my story every single day, day in and day out, no matter when I posted, or how much, they would view it in full.

But now that I have announced I am gone from Instagram......not one peep. and there never will be folks. no one will come looking. no one will come asking. no one will come wondering where I am, how I am, or what I am doing.

I have disappeared from in front of their eyes - THE STORY STORY STORY STORY - and they will never, ever, see me again, or think of me again. Mark my words, these people will never find me again, or message me, or text me, or ask after me. in fact, I would place money on the fact that in time I will lose quite a few of them as "followers".

Truly, this is a hideous, hideous generation.

So perhaps, this is why the incessant self absorbed posting. You know the truth, don't you. if you do not make your scheduled story appearance......boy oh boy, the world will have passed you by and forgotten you by the time they hit the end of your last slide.

A generation doomed to live and existence that is fully robotic, unfeeling, and devoid of empathy and human connection.

A generation I am not living in any longer. Burn your accounts and disengage from "social" "media [circus]"

Have people forget you. have people ignore you. realize that not one of these people were ever your friends - they were just socially accepted stalkers.

Catch the wheel that breaks the butterfly

I cried the rain that fills the ocean wide

I tried to talk with God to no avail

Calling my name and out of nowhere

I said "If you won't save me, please don't waste my time"

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