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The New Liberal - An Essay

Writer's picture: CatherinaCatherina

In the wake of Trump's ban from twitter, I have seen many people defend this action. However, what they do not realize is that they are defending business, profits, and a Technocratic oligarchy over the rights and freedoms of their fellow man. This is not personal opinion or up for debate; this is fact. The new liberal defends privitization and corporations over inalienable rights. And lo, liberal they believe themselves to be.

Indeed, the new liberal would defend multi billion dollar businesses, that have given them nothing, and done nothing for them - over their Constitution. Over the laws which have kept them safe. Over the laws which allowed them to live where they do, and how they do.

What type of Americans they believe they are, I am never to be sure - but they certainly are not patriots. Nor are they allies to humanity.

This ignorance the new neoliberal suffers from is by no means unintentional or accidental. Their allegiance is not to the country, or humanity. Their allegiance is to the state only - to the Party. The Party says, and the new liberal does. The Party acts, and the new liberal conforms. The Party orders, and the new liberal complies.

Indeed this is no simple accident. After four years of coercion, media manipulation and conditioning, Trump was purposefully developed into this character that most people are unquestionably happy to hate. But, alas, in their fury and targeted emotional response, they forget the most glaringly obvious fact: He is a symbol, nothing more. But in their hatred, in their rage, in their need to place blame on an individual, the critical, thinking mind is switched off and the reactionary emotional mind makes decisions. These decisions are not based on thought or logic; they are only reactions.

Oh, but the new liberal believes proudly that he is thinking freely and acting judiciously.

The new liberal stands upon a platform of hatred, censorship, silencing, ridicule, and obliteration of any dissenting opinion. Upon this platform he stands proudly, loudly; upon this platform he believes he stands freely; upon this platform the new liberal believes they make up their own mind. Upon this platform, the new liberal believes he stands with Justice, and amongst Truth.

Upon this platform, the new liberal readily and happily decimates true freedom - all the while believing they are upholding it.

Indeed one must wonder and revel at how swiftly the overture has changed from the "free thinking, accepting individual" harmonies that rang during the times of our fore-fathers - or at least rang in theory - to the - can they be called, dulcet? - harmonies of unencumbered authoritarianism.

Autocracy, absolutism, and totalitarianism: the new liberal truly is a marvel for us to behold. Their banners bold. He is at once terrifying, and foolish.

He stands afore these banners proudly: no matter who or what gets in his way, the new liberal is happy and vociferously ready to destroy it. Your livelihood? Of no importance to their fear. Your personal choices? Of no importance to their fear. Your freedoms? Of no importance to their fear.

The individual? The personal freedom? The inalienable constitutional right?

Of no importance to "the greater good."

We silence one voice today - and set the precedent for the many voices that can be readily silenced tomorrow.

And I promise, they will be yours. They will be yours, are these actions to continuously be upheld. Your silence will follow suit. Yes, even yours, who proudly touts the flag of the system they believe is keeping them safe. Never worry - for they do not come only for one group - the group you have been made to believe is an enemy. They will come for you too.

They make examples out of people that they know, because they know that most will clamor to support the silencing of those individuals. But these actions are taken with a further goal in mind: An opposition to the party is an opposition to the state. An opposition to the narrative is an opposition to the country. And an opposition is an act of terrorism.

This is how the path is paved to eradicate free thought; to control in an absolute manner. This is how the path is paved for absolute control.

Remember - All people are enemies of the state. All people are enemies of the government. You are not their ally, or safe from silencing, because you stand on their side today. For tomorrow you may dissent on a different topic. And, oh - in your haste to silence others yesterday, you have now silenced yourself today. A tribulation indeed.

Foresight, of course, is of no concern to the new liberal. No - only vindication. Only revenge. Only proving they are right. Only being "right".

And so, your silence will be absolute, too. You will not rise above: those who choose silencing of their "opponents" will always lose too. There is no world that exists where we only silence and destroy those who we consider different in thought. No harmony, no peace, no truth, no honesty can come from these actions.

Especially when the actions are taken by private organisations and cheered on by liberals. Over the rule of law, the new liberal places his importance, his worship, in oligarchy, technocratic gods. They place private companies above the law. Can this ever be pardoned? Surely their minds and souls are so empty that they will never seek a pardon, for they do not know how far they have crossed their fellow man - and their own freedoms.

They betray humanity for unreal constructs - companies. Companies who will never know their name, who do not exist in the way we, your fellow man do, and companies who will readily silence them tomorrow too.

Do you not see, there is no differentiation? Tomorrow they will come for you. All you must do is simply disagree and you are a new casualty of the "new" rule of "law": technocratic, authoritarian "law", of course.

For truly, truly, the new liberal has bought and paid for his own slavery, mentally, physically, and within their souls; and with it, the new liberal has purchased their idea of "a greater good". Clamoring and yelling for protection of others, never realising their actions are actively destroying thousands more than those they claim to protect.

Indeed, this protection is mostly rooted in narcissism for many - their fear has overpowered their rational mind, which is why they can not accept facts that describe a different scenario than they one they choose to believe. Fear has consumed the vast majority of the population. They engage no rational brain, only emotional responses.

And those lives that are destroyed are collateral, to the new liberal. They are of no importance; for you see, the new liberal places importance only in that which he most fears:

Repercussions, fines, death, government orders; these are the new dogmas, the new Gods, for the new liberal.

Proudly they assume their roles of absolutist, totalitarian, regime enforcing automatons: devoid of soul, humanity, perception, and a sovereign mind, body and soul.

As I have previously written, this is not merely censorship. What is happening to Trump, comes off the back of the 2018 ban across all platforms that Alex Jones was the first to suffer from. As I have already written about, 2018 was the year when deplatforming was introduced; this has paved the way, after so much manipulation, for the reality people live today: The real, actual president of the United States, has been banned, censored, and silenced by media companies - and people, rather than calling for a decrease in these platforms' power - are cheering these events.

If you fail to see the horrendous reality that they are trying to create in the world around you - then I think you may have what is going around: New Liberalism. May the odds be ever in your favor.



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